
How To Post In A Facebook Group As A Page

Can a Facebook Page join a Group? The answer, like many things in life, is "it depends".

When Facebook Groups were first created – you could only join from your personal profile. Pages were not allowed to join groups so you literally could not join a Facebook Group from your Business Page! In 2019, however, Facebook realized that many of its users only used Facebook from a Business Page (including heavy hitters/influencers etc) so they gave Groups the option to allow Pages to join.

So the answer is yes, right? A Facebook Page can join a Group?

Not always… because even though Facebook has now made it possible for a Facebook Page to join a Group – it's not ALWAYS possible.

When a user is setting up a Facebook Group, one of the settings an Admin is faced with is whether they want to allow pages to join (see image below).

When a user is setting up a Facebook Group, one of the settings an Admin is faced with is whether they want to allow pages to join

If the Group Admin allows Pages to join – then yes, a Page can join a Group (see instructions below). If the Group admin decides to NOT allow pages to join – then a Page can NOT join a group (unless the Admin changes the rules). Joining from your personal profile is your only option.

If you're thinking "why would a Group Admin do this? Don't they want more people in the Group?". Here's the thing, Pages get A LOT less reach/interaction than a Personal Profile.

So from a Group Admin's side of things – they want their Group to be as interactive as possible, they want a lot of people posting, commenting etc . If all the people in the Group are posting from their Personal Profile – there will be a lot of interaction in the Group (which is what the Group Admin wants).

However, if it's mainly Pages posting, there is going to be less interaction going on in the Group. This is the reason why many (probably most) Groups don't allow Pages to join.

The fact that Pages get less reach than a Personal Profile may impact your marketing strategy. If your goal is to join that Group to promote your business – it may actually be better to join as your Personal Profile and promote it that way because it means your posts will actually get more reach. That, however, is a discussion for another day 🙂

If the Group does allow Pages to join, then it's actually a pretty simple system – just follow the steps below. Log into Facebook and navigate to the Group you'd like to join

Step 1: Click the 'Join Group Button'

Step 1: Log into Facebook and navigate to the Group you'd like to join Step 2: Click the 'Join Group Button'

Step 2: If the Group allows Pages to join – it will give you the option to select how you want to join the Group

Step 3: If the Group allows Pages to join - it will give you the option to select how you want to join the Group

Step 3: Follow the joining instructions (some groups may have questions you need to answer to join)

Step 4: Follow the joining instructions (some groups may have questions you need to answer to join)

Step 4: If there is no approval process – you will have instant access to the Group. If there is an approval process – you will need to wait until your request is approved or denied (this will vary depending on the Group).

Step 5: If there is no approval process - you will have instant access to the Group. If there is an approval process - you will need to wait until your request is approved or denied (this will vary depending on the Group).

If you've already joined the Group from your Personal Profile and now you want to join from your Page… It can be done… the hard way 🙁

You will need to LEAVE the Group from your Personal Profile and then request to rejoin again from your Facebook Page. It sucks but it's your only option at this stage.

If you want to join the Group as your Page AND your Profile (so you're in there as both) – it can be done but only if you join as your page first! If you join as your Page first, you then have the option to join the Group with your Personal Profile too (by selecting the 'chose how to interact' button above). Important: This only works if you join as your Page first, if you join as your Personal Profile first – you won't have this option.

Step 1: Click your Pages display image and a drop-down menu will appear asking how you want to interact, select your Personal Profile

So bottom line..

  • Can a Facebook Page join a Group? … It depends
    Is it POSSIBLE for a Facebook Page to join a Group? Yes
  • Is it ALWAYS possible for a Facebook Page to join a Group? No

If the Group doesn't allow Pages to join – it doesn't hurt to ask the admin. You can simply join the Group from your Personal Profile. Contact the Group Administrator directly and ask them if they would be open to letting you join the Group from your Page. They may say no – because that's not what they want from their group. They may however say yes – and they simply weren't aware of the fact that Pages couldn't join and they need to change the settings to allow it.

You may also want to wait a while before doing this – befriend the Group Admin, be a good member of the community, and then ask a favour in a few weeks time :p

PS: At the Course Creator Community we have one. of the largest Facebook Groups in the world for Course Creators. Everyone in there is super supportive and we all share tips and ideas!

We would love to invite you to join our Group! Simply click the link below to join

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Jono Petrohilos
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