
Which Of The Following Best Describes Content Marketing?

Your customers, leads, and audience members want valuable content from your business. And that content needs to reach audience members in a way that feels natural and organic versus being disruptive. Content marketing helps businesses do this, and it describes the process of attracting, engaging with, and delighting your target markets.

By honing in on effective content marketing, you can do just that — and as a result, increase conversions, improve brand awareness, boost revenue, establish yourself as an industry leader, and more.

Click here to sharpen your skills with the help of our content marketing  workbook.

Whether you're just starting to devise a strategy or you're refreshing your existing one, it never hurts to re-assess your process and come up with new ways to create and share the content your audiences want. In this guide, we'll give you a birds-eye-view of content marketing, types of content marketing, content marketing examples, and how to get a strategy going.

  1. Content Marketing

  2. What Is Content Marketing?

  3. Types of Content Marketing

  4. Content Marketing Examples

  5. Content Marketing Strategy

Content Marketing

Today, outbound marketing strategies (or anything that interrupts your audience members) aren't as effective at resonating with and converting audience members as they once were.

Today, your content needs to reach your audience in a way that feels natural (a.k.a. inbound). A common way of doing this is by creating a narrative for your content — or telling a story. In doing so, your content will feel more authentic, engaging, and tailored to your audience.

So, what defines content marketing anyway?

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is the process of planning, creating, distributing, sharing, and publishing content via channels such as social media, blogs, websites, podcasts, apps, press releases, print publications, and more. The goal is to reach your target audience and increase brand awareness, sales, engagement, and loyalty.

Why is content marketing important?

  • Educate your leads and prospects about the products and services you offer
  • Boost conversions
  • Build relationships between your customers and business that result in increased loyalty
  • Show your audience how your products and services solve their challenges
  • Create a sense of community around your brand

Now let's look at the various types of content marketing.

Types of Content Marketing

There are many types of content marketing that you may choose to incorporate in your strategy — here are some of the most common:

1. Social Media Content Marketing

With over 3.6 billion global social media users, it's easy to understand why so many businesses invest in social media marketing. There are a number of platforms (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snapchat) to work with and several ways you can create and share content on each of them (e.g. photos, live videos, pre-recorded videos, stories).

Featured Resource: Social Media Content Calendar

2. Infographic Content Marketing

Infographics display content, information, and data in an easy-to-understand, graphic format. With a mix of simple wording, short statements, and clear images, infographics are a great way to effectively communicate your content. They work well if you're trying to distill an educational and/ or complex topic down so all audience members can understand it.

Featured Resource: 15 Free Infographic Templates

3. Blog Content Marketing

Blogs are a powerful type of inbound content and allow for a lot of creativity in terms of their purpose and topic. With a blog, you can do things like promote other internal and external content and blog articles via links, add social share buttons, and incorporate product information.

Featured Resource: Start a Successful Blog

4. Podcast Content Marketing

A 2020 survey found that 49% of 12-to-32-year-olds in the U.S. had listened to a podcast within the last month, with an average of six listening hours a week. For this reason, many businesses and media outlets have begun creating and sharing their own podcasts.

Podcasts allow for a lot of creativity as they can be about any topic of choice. Additionally, you determine other factors related to the podcast such as cadence of episodes, who's on the podcast, where you advertise the podcast, and how long episodes are.

Featured Resource: How to Start a Podcast

5. Video Content Marketing

According to Wyzowl research, 69% of consumers say they prefer to learn about a brand's product or service through video. Additionally, video marketing can boost conversions, improve ROI, and help you build relationships with audience members. You may choose to share your video content on social media platforms, landing pages, or on a co-marketer's website.

Featured Resource: The Ultimate Video Marketing Starter Pack

6. Paid Ad Content Marketing

Paid ads can help you reach a broad audience and allow you to position yourself in all of the places you want to be seen — paid ads are especially beneficial when paired with inbound marketing. There are many places you can share paid ads including on social media, landing pages, banners, and sponsored content.

Featured Resource: The Ultimate Google Ads PPC Kit

Next, let's look at some content marketing examples that are associated with those types of content marketing we just reviewed.

Content Marketing Examples

The following examples will give you a better understanding of how you can incorporate content in your greater marketing strategy.

1. Example of Instagram Content Marketing

lush instagram profile example of social media content marketing on instagram


Lush Cosmetics' Instagram account is on-brand and complements the rest of their marketing content — if the page didn't say "Lush Cosmetics" anywhere on the profile, customers would likely still know the profile belongs to Lush.

The Instagram page shares the Lush product line, displays different color and scent options for the products, and shows the various ways each product can be used. The profile feels and looks colorful and uniquely Lush, and depicts members of their wide customer base.

2. Example of Infographic Content Marketing

infographic content marketing example


IBM created an infographic when they launched their Cloud marketplace. Their infographic is on-brand, well-organized, and easy to read. It clearly explains what they're doing with their Cloud marketplace and how customers can benefit from it. It also tells audience members how they can access the marketplace and get started using it.

3. Example of Blog Content Marketing

expedia blog front page content marketing example


Expedia has a blog called "[Out There Starts Here]" that shares travel-related information including hotel recommendations, great places to visit, and travel-related activities you can take part in around the globe.

Expedia regularly publishes their blog content to keep readers interested and engaged. It includes a wide range of topics related to any type of trip you could imagine.

The blog is on-brand and all articles relate to the travel technology company's goal and mission of gaining customers and boosting brand awareness. They do this by linking to their services and writing about customers who have already had positive experiences with the company.

4. Example of Podcast Content Marketing

hardvard business review podcast content marketing example


Harvard Business Review (HBR) has a weekly podcast called HBR IdeaCast which features industry leaders in both business and management. You can either subscribe to consistently receive their hundreds of podcasts or pick and choose which ones you want to listen to.

The podcast is on-brand and complements the rest of HBRs published content. It also serves as a great way for HBR to connect with their target audience, enhance brand awareness, and gain a following of audience members through a medium that differs from their typical work (e.g. podcast versus HBR article).

5. Example of Video Content Marketing


Much of Dollar Shave Club's video content has gone viral. Their marketing efforts are on-brand, humorous, and entertaining. In fact, one of their videos has over 27 million views on YouTube. By establishing a name for themselves via online video content, Dollar Shave Club has experienced impressive growth and brand recognition.

6. Example of Paid Ad Content Marketing

example of paid ad content marketing


Revolve — a clothing and accessories company — uses paid and sponsored ads on social media (like this one on Facebook) to reach their target audience while they browse their news feeds.

The content ads feature some of their products as well as details about their free shipping and return policy to drive target audience members to their site (and, hopefully, convert them into paying customers).

Lastly, let's cover your content marketing strategy. By implementing a strategy, your content marketing efforts will be impactful and effective in converting leads and reaching your target audience.

7. Example of Twitter Content Marketing

hubspot using twitter for content marketing, examples of content marketing


HubSpot uses Twitter to market software as well as create a community among customers, target audience members, and industry leaders and experts.

HubSpot shared product information, relevant tips, industry knowledge, and original research on Twitter. HubSpot also interacts with users and ensures anyone in need of customer support knows exactly where to go for help.

8. Example of TikTok Content Marketing

example of content marketing on tiktok by chipotle


Chipotle is a very active brand on TikTok — the company uses the platform to reach and engage their customers and target audience members. In addition to reacting to others' Chipotle-related TikTok content, the brand posts TikToks of their menu items, recipes, people enjoying their food, their restaurants, and more. They have over 1.6 million followers and over 30 million likes.

9. Example of Viral Content Marketing

example of viral content marketing on tik tok Source

This viral content marketing example was one that came from a TikTok video — Nathan Apodaca's original TikTok video included him sipping Ocean Spray cranberry juice while skateboarding and listening to "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac.

As a result of the viral video, TikTok used part of Apodaca's video in their ads, Ocean Spray used Apodaca in their ads, Ocean Spray saw a bump in sales and brand awareness, Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams" was number one on iTunes, and there were thousands of videos posted by other TikTok users who bought the cranberry juice and recreated Apodaca's original video.

Content Marketing Strategy

  1. Set SMART goals.
  2. Determine your KPIs.
  3. Choose your content channels.
  4. Decide on the type of content.
  5. Set a budget.
  6. Create and distribute the content.
  7. Analyze and measure results.

You can think about your content marketing strategy as you would your content marketing plan — let's dive into the steps you'll want to work through in order to develop an effective strategy.

1. Set SMART goals.

The first part of your content marketing strategy is to set SMART goals. These should be specific to your business — they'll likely complement your broader marketing and company goals.

Here are some SMART goal examples:

  • Improve brand awareness
  • Boost revenue
  • Increase conversions
  • Improve brand loyalty
  • Increase customer engagement
  • Build rapport and trust among prospects and customers
  • Attract strategic partners

2. Determine your KPIs.

Next, set key performance indicators (KPIs) for your SMART goals. KPIs are quantifiable data points you can use to measure your actual performance against your goal.

smart goal related kpi
Brand awareness Site traffic, social media followers, subscription sign-ups, mentions (by customers and partners)
Revenue Daily sales, site traffic
Conversions Conversion rate, shopping cart abandonment rate, associated shipping rate trends, competitive price trends
Brand loyalty Returning customers, promoters, product reviews, referrals
Customer engagement Likes, shares, follows, mentions, backlinks
Rapport and trust Returning customers, promoters, followers, mentions
Strategic partners New partnerships, mentions, backlinks

3. Decide on the type of content.

Next, choose the type of content you'll create. To do this, start by thinking about your target audience and buyer personas.

Answer the following questions about your target audience to help you narrow down the right types of content for them:

  • What do they need from you?
  • What challenges are they looking to overcome?
  • Why do they need your product or service?
  • How can you help them succeed?
  • Where do they spend their time?

Then, take a look back at the various types of content we reviewed earlier to decide which types of content you'll create.

4. Choose your content channels.

Once you've decided on the type of content you'll market with, it's time to choose your specific content channels. Where will you share your content? Where will it live and be shared from?

For some of the content types, the channel you need to work with will be obvious. For example, if you're creating Facebook content, your channel will be the social platform itself.

5. Set a budget.

Now, set your budget. Think about the type of content you're creating and which channels you're marketing that content on.

Then, ask yourself the following questions to determine your budget:

  • Do you need to purchase any software or technology to create the content (such as graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop, a subscription to Canva, a camera to take high-quality photos and videos)?
  • Do you need to hire any content marketers or designers (such as artists, writers, editors, designers)?
  • Do you need to pay for ad space?
  • Do you need access to specific tools or resources to enhance or measure your specific type of content?

Make note of how your responses impact your budget — whether that's an increase or decrease in what you may have already estimated.

6. Create and distribute the content.

Create and distribute your content so your audience members can consume it — and possibly convert. To ensure you're consistently producing content and sharing it among your prospects and customers, use a social media calendar or an editorial content calendar.

This will help your team stay on top of all of the content being created as well as allow you to schedule it ahead of time.

Use a free editorial calendar to schedule and optimize all of your marketing content to help you boost conversions.

7. Analyze and measure results.

Lastly, analyze and measure your results so you can make any necessary changes to enhance your content marketing efforts and reach more audience members.

Look at your SMART goals and KPIs to determine the success of your content marketing strategy. Did you achieve your goals and KPIs? Were you close to reaching them, or were you off in your estimations?

Here are some tools to help you with your content marketing strategy analytics and results:

  • HubSpot Marketing Analytics Software
  • HubSpot Social Media Management Software
  • Mention
  • SharedCount
  • Sprout Social
  • Google Analytics

Best Content Marketing Resources

  1. HubSpot Academy for free education on how to become an effective content marketer.
  2. HubSpot's Free Content Creation Resources for access to resources that will propel your content marketing strategy towards success.
  3. Content Marketing Institute for access to some of the best content marketing online education, print, and events available today.
  4. Blog articles on content marketing, trends, strategies, and tips by industry experts.
  5. Podcasts about content marketing, such as This Old Marketing, or business trends, such as HBR IdeaCast, to inspire your content marketing strategy.
  6. Google Trends, which allows you to search for trends across broad topics like content marketing or for niche topics within content marketing.
  7. Ebooks and case studies about content marketing and specific content marketing strategies.
  8. Latest content marketing statistics by a reputable database source like Statista.
  9. Easy to use visual content and design software, such as Canva.
  10. Free or paid social media management tools, such as HubSpot, Buffer, or Sprout Social, to help you create and share your social content.
  11. Free or paid content and project management tools, like Trello or Asana, to plan and organize your content marketing strategy.
  12. Free or paid marketing software to connect your content marketing team, plan, strategy, and results to your greater marketing plan (and even your CRM).
  13. Free or paid email marketing software, like HubSpot or Mailchimp, to handle all aspects of your email campaigns and content.
  14. Your network, on platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn, where you can connect with those in your industry to discuss relevant trends, answer each other's questions, and provide or ask for feedback.

There are hundreds of thousands of tools available today that qualify as excellent content marketing resources. For the sake of this article, we're going to keep things simple by providing a handful of our favorite options today.

  1. HubSpot Academy for free education on how to become an effective content marketer.
  2. HubSpot's Free Content Creation Resources for access to resources that will propel your content marketing strategy towards success.
  3. Content Marketing Institute for access to some of the best content marketing online education, print, and events available today.
  4. Blog articles on content marketing, trends, strategies, and tips by industry experts (like HubSpot).
  5. Podcasts about content marketing, such as This Old Marketing, or business trends, such as HBR IdeaCast, to inspire your content marketing strategy.
  6. Google Trends, which allows you to search for trends across broad topics like content marketing or for niche topics within content marketing.
  7. Ebooks and case studies about content marketing or content marketing strategies, like this one by Mention.
  8. Latest content marketing statistics by a reputable database source like Statista.
  9. Easy to use visual content and design software, such as Canva.
  10. Free or paid social media management tools, such as HubSpot, Buffer, or Sprout Social, to help you create and share your social content.
  11. Free or paid content and project management tools, like Trello or Asana, to plan and organize your content marketing strategy.
  12. Free or paid marketing software to connect your content marketing team, plan, strategy, and results to your greater marketing plan (and even your CRM).
  13. Free or paid email marketing software, like HubSpot or Mailchimp, to handle all aspects of your email campaigns and content.
  14. Your network, on platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn, where you can connect with those in your industry to discuss relevant trends, answer each other's questions, and provide or ask for feedback.

And speaking of tapping into your networks on sites like Twitter and LinkedIn, here's some inspiration from a few of the greatest content marketers to follow on both platforms today.

Best content marketers to follow on LinkedIn and Twitter

  1. Luvvie Ajayi Jones
  2. Zontee Hou
  3. A. Lee Judge
  4. Ann Handley
  5. Neil Patel
  6. Guy Kawasaki

3 Marketers to Follow on LinkedIn

1. LinkedIn: Luvvie Ajayi Jones

Luvvie Ajayi Jones content marketer to follow on linkedin

Luvvie Ajayi Jones is a best-selling author, digital strategist, podcast host, and speaker. She's known for combining humor with her experiences and background in marketing, communications, and new media. Her LinkedIn is sure to inspire you whether you're thinking about/working on culture, authenticity, leadership, content, marketing strategy, and more.

2. Zontee Hou

zontee hou content marketer to follow on linkedin

Zontee Hou is a digital marketer and strategist, speaker, and consultant. She works with scaling companies to help them establish effective marketing strategies that work for their unique goals and audiences. On her LinkedIn profile, Hou shares her expertise in content marketing, social media marketing, marketing analytics, and digital marketing.

3. A. Lee Judge

a. lee judge content marketer to follow on linkedin

A. Lee Judge is a co-founder and digital marketing strategist at Content Monsta. He's also a podcast and video producer, speaker, and rev ops practitioner. On his LinkedIn profile, he covers a wide range of topics related to lead generation, social media marketing, how to apply marketing analytics and data, digital experiences, multi-channel marketing, the importance of sales and marketing alignment, and more.

3 Marketers to Follow on Twitter

4. Ann Handley

ann handley of marketing profs, content marketer to follow on linkedin

Ann Handley, Head of Content at MarketingProfs, is a bestselling author and speaker. She provides education and training around marketing that businesses can learn from and apply. She offers in-person and virtual trainings for companies on content marketing, storytelling, lead generation, and branding – all of which are topics she alson talks about, and shares content about, on her Twitter page.

5. Neil Patel

neil patel content marketer to follow on twitter

Neil Patel is a bestselling author, marketing expert, speaker, and website and SEO consultant. He's a thought leader and industry expert in content and digital marketing. His Twitter page includes information about his trainings and services, industry trends, marketing strategy tips and resources, and questions/conversational topics meant to engage followers and other industry experts.

6. Guy Kawasaki

guy kawasaki content marketers to follow on twitter

Guy Kawasaki is a marketing strategist, author, entrepreneur, venture capitalist, podcast host, and the chief evangelist of Canva. On his Twitter account, Kawasaki asks followers thought-provoking business questions as well as provides links to, and information about, new podcast episodes, industry trends, marketing strategy tips, and insights based on his experiences.

Engage Your Target Audience With Content Marketing

With effective content marketing, you can reach your target audience and increase conversions. There are several ways to market with content to boost revenue, grow your brand awareness and recognition, and build relationships with your prospects and customers.

And don't forget to extract more value from every piece of content you create.

To get started, determine which type of content works best for your business and audience, and develop a content marketing strategy to begin boosting your bottom line today.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in August, 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Originally published Aug 18, 2021 1:45:00 PM, updated October 19 2021

Which Of The Following Best Describes Content Marketing?


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