
Ending 2017 How To Thank Readers Of Your Blog

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Try this activity to help your child identify the beginning, middle, and ending sound in a particular word.

These beginning, middle, and ending sounds clip cards are great for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

In January, when I celebrated my blog's 3-year anniversary, I asked my readers what materials they'd like to see next.  One repeated request was activities that focus on beginning, middle, and ending sounds within words.

We already have quite a few beginning sound activities.  We even have some middle vowel clip cards.  But I hadn't created any ending sounds activities yet, nor did I have anything that combined all three.

Until now!


These beginning, middle, and ending sounds clip cards are great for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

"Where's that sound?" clip cards

To play:

  • Have your child identify the sound of the featured letter in the gold circle.
  • Tell your child to say the name of the picture slowly, listening for the featured sound.
  • Your child can point to or clip the word "beginning," "middle," or end" to show where the sound occurs within the word.

I began this game with my Four, who knows his letter sounds well (except for those pesky short vowels) and was ready for the next step.

These beginning, middle, and ending sounds clip cards are great for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

First, I showed my preschooler that he needed to listen for whether the sound was in the beginning, middle, or end of a word. Even though he can't read those three words, he had no trouble remembering which was which as he did the activity.

These beginning, middle, and ending sounds clip cards are great for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

He identified the main sound and said the name of each picture.  "Hippo. Hhhhippo.  Beginning."

These beginning, middle, and ending sounds clip cards are great for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

Some of the cards made him think a little… like this one.  He's still shaky with his vowel sounds, so I reminded him that short i says /i/.

These beginning, middle, and ending sounds clip cards are great for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

I was pleased when he could hear the middle consonant sounds, such as /m/ in hammer.

These beginning, middle, and ending sounds clip cards are great for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

I'll be honest and tell you that after a few cards he became frustrated and wanted to quit.  (He got stuck on the word "olive.") I'm used to this sort of thing from him, so when I feel like we should keep going, I insist on it.

I know it looks like I do learning activities like this with my kids all the time, but it's truly only a handful of times a week.  And since he'd clearly demonstrated he could do this activity, I pushed him to do a few more cards.  "Just five more."

Well, after he cheered up he chose to keep going for quite a few more than five.

These beginning, middle, and ending sounds clip cards are great for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

After my kindergartner came home, I pulled out the activity for him, too.  He had to think a minute for cards like this one.  He (surprisingly!) knew that knife ends with an e, but he also knew that since the e is silent, the /f/ sound is what comes at the end of the word.

He did about half of the set, but I don't have more pictures to share because most of them were blurry.  I was holding our 2-month-old at the time, and my multitasking only goes so far!

We hope you enjoy this freebie!

Get your free beginning, middle, and ending sound clip cards!


Phonemic Awareness Games & Activities


The research is in! Children with a strong foundation of phonemic awareness become better readers. Our bundle is your one-stop shop for teaching all levels of this important skill.

Ending 2017 How To Thank Readers Of Your Blog


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